Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi

                                                                                                      Argentina star Lionel Messi has guaranteed that he is not considering retiring from international football despite all the criticism from media and fans.

                                                                                                                 The diminutive midfielder has expressed his affection for the national team, before revealing his admiration for Chile's Alexis Sanchez and Brazil's Neymar.

Earlier on Thursday, Julio Grondona, president of the Argentine Football Association (AFA), suggested Messi could stop playing for his country if all the negative remarks about him did not stop.

The Barcelona ace has now guaranteed he will not quit Argentina, though he confessed that such comments had an impact on the team.

"We suffered a lot with the criticism, although we know we were not doing things right, but at the same time they helped us, because they made us stronger as a group," Messi said at a press conference.

"Although I get criticised, I will always come to the national team. I come because I always want to play and I will not change because of what the press say.

"I have never cared about what the press say and I will not start now. The only thing I care about is what the fans say ... no-one likes to be insulted.

"I come to the national team because I feel it it is part of me, and I try to stay distant from all this. This is the first time I have been through something like this with the media, but I am not going to change."

Quizzed about Neymar, Messi stated that the Santos star "is a really good player" and that it would be great if he moved to Spain.

About Udinese's Alexis Sanchez, who is very close to joining Barcelona, Messi said: "I have known him for some time, he is a great player and he would be a great signing for us because he would add a lot to our team."



secrets men women
Yes, men tell women what we think you want to hear because, let's face it, you're going to decide if we're having sex tonight. If you ask us to communicate, we think it's a trap. Women say they want me to be honest, but when men let it rip, women don't like the answers. As I have no personal attachment to anyone on this site, I'm going to let it rip.
Things men tell their buddies that they don't tell their wives and girlfriends.
1. Yes, it's about sex. Men like sex, men like variety. Men like women that enjoy sex, enjoy variety, and are     active partners in sex.

2. A man is less likely to feel romantic if a woman is making his life miserable. If you want to cuddle, don't start a fight over leaving the toilet seat up or not taking out the garbage.
3. Men are passionate about the things women hate. In general, when men tell you they don't like cartoons, action movies, motorcycles, Political talk-shows, sports, firearms, the Telenovelars, and ESPN, etc. they are lying so that they can have sex with you. 
4. Men don't like women's entertainment. I'd rather eat glass than watch Dela's Show, but I've watched it for sex.
5. There's only 24 hours in a day. Eight hours of sleep, ten hours at work, two hours commute, 90 minutes at the gym, and 90 minutes cooking, eating, and washing up leaves only one hour each day for "us" or "me" time. Keep your expectations reasonable and share.

6. Women have cold hands, feet, butts, and other body parts. Men are not your personal heaters. Warm them or keep them to yourself.
7. A man's willingness to put up with a women's incessant nagging is directly proportional to how hot they are. Yes, men will kiss a beautiful women's ass for sex, that doesn't mean you're going to get the same treatment.
8. When women say they want to sit down and talk, men hear "I'm pissed." You never want to talk about things we like, like sports, so telling us you want to talk sends us the signal that you want to bring up something that's bothering you. You might fool us once in a while by actually wanting to talk about something the other sex is interested in. Men have to, it's called dating.
9. Men hate dating because we have to lie. Lying isn't fun. We can't wait to be married so we can really tell you how we feel about Delay"s Show. Unless he's a jerk, a man's happiest day is when he no longer has to lie to have sex.
10.  Working out doesn't count unless you sweat. We don't want to hear about how tough your yoga class was if all the girls in class are wearing makeup. 


A Lecturer at Ghana’s Premier Journalism Institute, GIJ, Dr. Wilberforce Gyissah, has told Citi News Daily Graphic’s publication which claimed that about 8,000 gays have been registered in two regions of the country, with majority of them infected with sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS, has too many loopholes to be accurate.

Dr. Gyissah suspects the story could have been mooted by advocates for homosexual rights, who want the practice legalized.

According to the Daily Graphic June 10 edition, the registered homosexuals included students in junior and senior high schools, the polytechnics and workers.

The Paper said the revelation came out at a day's workshop organised in Takoradi on June 9, 2011, for more 200 health workers drawn from the 17 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in the Western Region.

The workshop, which was funded by the United States Agency for international Development (USAlD), was aimed at training health workers to be abreast of the basic facts about HIV and AIDS, as well as manage post-exposure prophylaxis of blood products and body fluids in the course of their work.

The Paper further reported that it also came out that more than 2,900 lesbians and gays had been registered in the two regions in 2008, the figure tripling as of 2010, with most of them testing not only positive for STDs but also for HIV/AIDS after they had undergone voluntary counselling and testing.

The rise in STDs, including HIV, in the two regions, according to the NGOs, was due to the fact that almost all those registered were bi-sexual, with some having wives and girlfriends.
That, according to the NGOs, resulted in the rapid spread of STDs, including HIV/AIDS.

But Dr. Wilberforce Gyissah says the Paper’s report has too many loopholes to be true. He told Citi News that he discovered the loopholes in the story following a research he was carrying out on homosexuality in Ghana.

“In my content analysis of the story from the perspective of intellectual study, I realise there were serious problems with the story carried by the Daily Graphic. First of all, there is the issue of source strategy in journalism. The story was carried and banner-headlined with a reporter’s name, but nobody was mentioned in that story in terms of source attribution. The next thing was that, not even a single NGO has been mentioned as being an NGO that is involved in the registration of these homosexuals".

“Then I also have an issue with the JHS and SHS students. Most of these students are minors. Are we saying that they have left schools to register with NGOs declaring that they are homosexuals? Or is it the case that certain elements are trying to draw our children out of school and sodomize them? That should be a concern for all of us. Without the names of the NGO’s, Graphic did not provide any attribution, and in addition to that, there was no demography to tell us how many people from Central and Western Region, and from the specific districts or localities are involved in this. I think that for a flagship Newspaper to carry a story such as this it would have meant that they had every necessary ingredient as far as journalism is concerned. So they have to rethink and go back to the story and look at it critically”.

“What is even worrying was the fact that, there was another story carried by the same Newspaper and put in a corner somewhere attributed to a senior official from the Social Welfare Department, who said that they had no name of an NGO in the Western or Central Region that was dealing with health workers or registration of homosexuals. And that raises serious doubts as far as the credibility of the story is concerned” he noted.

Dr. Wilberforce Gyissah said the Newspaper had a responsibility to look out for the NGOs engaged in the said registration, in order to further establish the ages of the JHS and SHS students alleged to have registered as homosexuals.

“My position is that, Graphic would have to go back and do a re-evaluation of that particular story. If it is an attempt to legitimize gay rights in this country, then so be it. However if it is an attempt by somebody hiding behind the scenes with a long hand trying to push this into the media to the sub-consciousness of the people and use it to manipulate the minds of our people to believe that this is becoming legitimate, then I have a serious problem with it” he noted.

When contacted for a response, the Editor of the Daily Graphic, Mr. Ransford Tetteh, told Citi News the Paper will respond at the appropriate time if it deems it necessary.

BY: Ebenezer Afanyi Dadzie,Citifmonline.com/Ghana